Esther M. Zimmer Lederberg
Parterres in Renaissance gardens

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knot entrelac parterre

Parterres are hedges or dense bushes used as borders in Renessaince gardens. Plants that make up parterres can have different appearances. Parterres are often in the shape of knots, or can even have the appearance of embroidery. The dense parterre hedges may also be cut, sometimes even being given the shape of animals, etc. - this is called "topiary". Sometimes parterres are shaped into mazes, and strollers can become lost (sometimes not intentionally). Gravel appears to be used in the image above, but colored sand, and brick-dust has been known to be used in lieu of grass or plants. "Number Symbolism and Renaissance Choreography", Carter, François; Dance Research: The Journal of the Society for Dance Research, Vol. 10, No. 1, 1992, pp. 21-39, see p. 24.


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